Six Tips on How Not to Be Boring!

Fake It Till You Make It:

Even if you’re not feeling confident, act as though you are. Your body language communicates more than you realize – slumping or fidgeting with notes conveys uncertainty or anxiety. Make eye contact with the audience. Scan the group from east to west and north to south — before you even begin to speak. Otherwise, you’re certain to appear rushed and nervous.

Get Personal:

Personalize your communication so your audience sees you as an individual, a human being with a point of view. We all respond to individuals who seem to speak directly to us. Few of us enjoy being bombarded with reams of information and facts.

Aim For The Target:

Be sure to ask yourself “Who is my audience?” Aim your content at that target. There’s no point speaking as though you’re addressing a jury when in fact you’re talking to, say, a group of computer-phobic employees about improving their computer literacy skills.


Keep it Simple Stupid is admittedly a little rude, but it makes the point — avoid overcomplicating your presentation with elaborate, obscure language or sentences. Use clear, short sentences, the best way to get your points across. And it goes without saying (or it should!), know your material well.

Wax Enthusiastic:

Be animated and enthusiastic — there is nothing worse for an audience than having to listen to a monotone, or to be dragged down by a presenter’s lack of energy. Most of us have suffered through classes where the teacher literally put someone to sleep. That’s not the kind of presenter you want to be!

Crack A Smile, If Not A Joke:

Humour can be a great element of a successful presentation. But you have to be comfortable with making a joke or you’ll fall flatter than the rug on the floor. (Speaking of jokes that aren’t that funny.) So if you do decide to inject humour into your presentation, be sure it’s humour your audience will understand and won’t offend. And if you aren’t comfortable joking, at least manage the occasional smile!

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